blob: 798937c33c42aa7778ce4daf53279c1d6c6611bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_modular/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:lib.widgets/model.dart';
import '../layout/copresent_layout.dart' as copresent;
import '../layout/pattern_layout.dart' as pattern;
import '../models/depth_model.dart';
import '../models/inset_manager.dart';
import '../models/layout_model.dart';
import '../models/surface/positioned_surface.dart';
import '../models/surface/surface.dart';
import '../models/surface/surface_form.dart';
import '../models/surface/surface_graph.dart';
import '../models/tree/spanning_tree.dart';
import '../models/tree/tree.dart';
import 'mondrian_child_view.dart';
import 'surface_stage.dart';
/// Directs the layout of the SurfaceSpace
class SurfaceDirector extends StatefulWidget {
_SurfaceDirectorState createState() => _SurfaceDirectorState();
class _SurfaceDirectorState extends State<SurfaceDirector> {
final Map<Surface, SurfaceForm> _prevForms = <Surface, SurfaceForm>{};
final List<SurfaceForm> _orphanedForms = <SurfaceForm>[];
SurfaceForm _form(
PositionedSurface ps,
double depth,
FractionalOffset offscreen,
) {
return SurfaceForm.single(
key: GlobalObjectKey(ps.surface.node),
child: MondrianChildView(
surface: ps.surface,
interactable: depth <= 0.0,
position: ps.position,
initPosition: ps.position.shift(Offset(offscreen.dx, offscreen.dy)),
depth: depth,
friction: depth > 0.0
? kDragFrictionInfinite
: ps.surface.canDismiss()
? (Offset offset, Offset delta) =>
Offset(delta.dx * 0.6, delta.dy * 0.2)
: (Offset offset, Offset delta) =>
delta / math.max(1.0, offset.distanceSquared / 100.0),
onDragStarted: () {},
onDragFinished: (Offset offset, Velocity velocity) {
Offset expectedOffset = offset + (velocity.pixelsPerSecond / 5.0);
// Only remove if greater than threshold
if (expectedOffset.distance > 200.0) {
// HACK(alangardner): Hardcoded distances for swipe gesture to
// avoid complicated layout work.
SurfaceForm _orphanedForm(
Surface surface, SurfaceForm form, FractionalOffset offscreen) {
return SurfaceForm.single(
key: form.key,
child: MondrianChildView(
surface: surface,
interactable: false,
position: form.position.shift(Offset(offscreen.dx, offscreen.dy)),
initPosition: form.initPosition,
depth: form.depth,
friction: kDragFrictionInfinite,
onPositioned: () {
// TODO(alangardner): Callback to notify framework
setState(() {
_orphanedForms.removeWhere((SurfaceForm f) => f.key == form.key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) => ScopedModelDescendant<InsetManager>(
builder: (
BuildContext context,
Widget child,
InsetManager insetManager,
) =>
builder: (
BuildContext context,
Widget child,
LayoutModel layoutModel,
) =>
builder: (
BuildContext context,
Widget child,
SurfaceGraph graph,
) =>
Widget _buildStage(
BuildContext context,
FractionalOffset offscreen,
InsetManager insetManager,
LayoutModel layoutModel,
SurfaceGraph graph,
) {
Map<Surface, SurfaceForm> placedSurfaces = <Surface, SurfaceForm>{};
List<Surface> focusStack = graph.focusStack.toList();
double depth = 0.0;
while (focusStack.isNotEmpty &&
focusStack.any((surface) {
return surface.connection != null;
})) {
List<PositionedSurface> positionedSurfaces = <PositionedSurface>[];
if (focusStack.isNotEmpty) {
Surface last = focusStack.last;
// purposefully giving compositionPattern top billing
// here to avoid any codelab surprises but we will have
// to harmonize this logic in future
// TODO: (djmurphy, jphsiao)
if (last.compositionPattern != null &&
last.compositionPattern.isNotEmpty) {
positionedSurfaces = pattern.layoutSurfaces(
} else {
positionedSurfaces = copresent.layoutSurfaces(
List<String> placedViewIds = s) => s.node.value).toList();
for (PositionedSurface ps in positionedSurfaces) {
// TODO (jphsiao): Make this check more thorough. A new surface may
// have the same view id, but not the same arrangement, parent or
// connection. These may result in animations for surfaces that are
// already on screen that we do not handle yet.
if (!placedViewIds.contains(ps.surface.node.value)) {
_prevForms.removeWhere((Surface surface, SurfaceForm form) =>
surface.node.value == ps.surface.node.value);
// if there is already a Surface laid out, then the incoming
// surface should default to 'summon'. If there is no Surface being
// displayed, then do not animate.
FractionalOffset surfaceOrigin = _prevForms.isNotEmpty
? offscreen
: FractionalOffset(0.0, 0.0); //apply no initial translation
if (ps.surface.relation.arrangement == SurfaceArrangement.ontop) {
// Surfaces that are ontop will be placed above the current depth
// TODO(jphsiao): Revisit whether ontop should be placed on top of
// all surfaces or if it should push its parent back in z.
placedSurfaces[ps.surface] = _form(ps, -1.0, surfaceOrigin);
} else {
placedSurfaces[ps.surface] = _form(ps, depth, surfaceOrigin);
depth = (depth + 0.1).clamp(0.0, 1.0);
while (focusStack.isNotEmpty &&
placedSurfaces.keys.contains(focusStack.last)) {
Forest<Surface> dependentSpanningTrees = Forest<Surface>();
if (placedSurfaces.isNotEmpty) {
// Get the dependent spanning trees for each tree off of the root
for (Tree<String> childTree in graph.root.children) {
/// prune non-visible surfaces
for (Tree<Surface> t in dependentSpanningTrees.flatten()) {
if (!placedSurfaces.keys.contains(t.value)) {
// Convert orphaned forms, to animate them out
Iterable<Key> placedKeys = f) => f.key);
_orphanedForms.removeWhere((SurfaceForm f) => placedKeys.contains(f.key));
for (Surface s in _prevForms.keys) {
_orphanedForms.add(_orphanedForm(s, _prevForms[s], offscreen));
/// Create form forest
final Forest<SurfaceForm> formForest =
dependentSpanningTrees.mapForest((Surface s) => placedSurfaces[s]);
for (SurfaceForm orphan in _orphanedForms) {
formForest.add(Tree<SurfaceForm>(value: orphan));
/// Determine the max and min depths of all visible surfaces.
double minDepth = double.infinity;
double maxDepth = -double.infinity;
for (double depth
in f) => f.depth)) {
if (minDepth > depth) {
minDepth = depth;
if (maxDepth < depth) {
maxDepth = depth;
for (double depth in f) => f.depth)) {
if (minDepth > depth) {
minDepth = depth;
if (maxDepth < depth) {
maxDepth = depth;
return ScopedModel<DepthModel>(
model: DepthModel(minDepth: minDepth, maxDepth: maxDepth),
child: SurfaceStage(forms: formForest),