[l10n] Localization export for Fuchsia

  - 281848311 Submit to head from Rapid project fuchsia.localization ca... by Googler <noreply@google.com>
  - 281832622 Yet another move-around of the localization files by fmil <fmil@google.com>
  - 281829223 Corrects the target directory of the localization process. by fmil <fmil@google.com>
  - 281825362 Submit to head from Rapid project fuchsia.localization ca... by Googler <noreply@google.com>
  - 281096145 Submit to head from Rapid project fuchsia.localization ca... by Googler <noreply@google.com>
  - 281095605 Submit to head from Rapid project fuchsia.localization ca... by Googler <noreply@google.com>
  - 281095584 Submit to head from Rapid project fuchsia.localization ca... by Googler <noreply@google.com>
  - 280606146 Submit to head from Rapid project fuchsia.localization ca... by Googler <noreply@google.com>
  - 280606138 Submit to head from Rapid project fuchsia.localization ca... by Googler <noreply@google.com>
  - 280308254 Submit to head from Rapid project fuchsia.localization ca... by Googler <noreply@google.com>
  - 264479889 Renames the target repository for localized_mod. by fmil <fmil@google.com>
  - 264288930 Submit to head from Rapid project fuchsia.localization_qa... by fmil <fmil@google.com>

PiperOrigin-RevId: 281848311
Change-Id: I8e208c183e2ff9f4d201d9d4bf2989e9e2cc0835
26 files changed
tree: 04f0ee175758cce772378d24df7417f64716e7ce
  1. base_shells/
  2. benchmarks/
  3. bin/
  4. examples/
  5. keyboard/
  6. lib/
  7. session_shells/
  8. settings/
  9. story_shells/
  10. tests/
  11. .gitignore
  12. analysis_options.yaml
  14. BUILD.gn
  17. OWNERS
  19. README.md

Fuchsia Open Source Template Repository

This repository is a template that we will use when creating new open source repositories for Fuchsia.