[audio][drivers][da7219] Move to the DriverBase library

Also roll the SDK which is needed for these changes and
use an I2C service instead of protocol.

Bug: 102079
Test: Trace the driver logs "Started" and the I2C controller logs data in/out.
tools/bazel run --config=fuchsia_x64 //src/da7219/controller:pkg.component
tools/bazel run --config=fuchsia_x64 //src/da7219/driver:pkg
tools/ffx log --filter da7219 --filter controller
[src/da7219/controller/i2c_server.cc:42] Received write address=34
[src/da7219/controller/i2c_server.cc:43] Received write data=56
[src/da7219/controller/i2c_server.cc:50] Received write address=78
[src/da7219/controller/i2c_server.cc:59] Read data to send data=12
[src/da7219/driver/da7219.cc:101] Read byte=12
[src/da7219/driver/da7219.cc:103] Started

Change-Id: I0827786d3918b6e37e4564c4b23bb920225361a6
13 files changed
tree: 095bf0aed643d92cfbb898f2ea844feba2413593
  1. scripts/
  2. src/
  3. third_party/
  4. tools/
  5. .bazelrc
  6. .gitignore
  7. .gitmodules
  11. OWNERS
  13. README.md
  14. WORKSPACE.bazel

Fuchsia Dialog drivers

This repository contains instructions and source code to build Dialog drivers using only the Fuchsia SDK.

Prepare yuor environment

  1. Run the bootstrap script that downloads the appropriate Bazel binary:
  1. To verify that you can use the ffx tool in your environment, run the following command:
tools/ffx sdk version

This command prints output similar to the following:

andresoportus@andresoportus:~/src/dialog$ tools/ffx sdk version
INFO: Cannot find the Fuchsia SDK toolchain, attempting to fetch it...
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
INFO: Analyzed target @fuchsia_sdk//:fuchsia_toolchain_sdk (2 packages loaded, 2 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target @fuchsia_sdk//:fuchsia_toolchain_sdk up-to-date (nothing to build)
INFO: Elapsed time: 46.731s, Critical Path: 0.02s
INFO: 1 process: 1 internal.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
  1. To load the driver components on Qemu, first start the Qemu as specified in https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/get-started/sdk/get-started-with-driver?hl=en#start-the-emulator

  2. Follow the README.md for the specific driver, for instance da7219/README.md.