Make HTTPRequest/HTTPResponse non-copyable

Change-Id: I669f4f89ff011590fd29d87cfa89d95cd30045b2
8 files changed
tree: 005a2631b75c2f1c6b4775e976976b186b3ec0c3
  1. algorithms/
  2. analyzer/
  3. client/
  4. config/
  5. encoder/
  6. end_to_end_tests/
  7. kubernetes/
  8. manifest/
  9. production/
  10. prototype/
  11. shuffler/
  12. third_party/
  13. tools/
  14. util/
  15. .cipd_version
  16. .gitignore
  17. .gitmodules
  20. cipd
  21. clearcut_extensions.proto
  22. CMakeLists.txt
  23. cobalt.ensure
  24. cobalt_config_header.gni
  26. encrypted_message.proto
  27. gtest.h
  29. logging.h
  30. observation.proto
  33. self-signed-with-ip.cnf


An analytics pipeline with built-in user-privacy.

Purpose of this document

You may encounter this document in one of two scenarios:

  • Because you are working with the stand-alone Cobalt repo found at, or
  • because you are working with a checkout of the Fuchsia operating system in which Cobalt has been imported into //third_party/cobalt.

This document should be used only in the first context. It describes how to build and test Cobalt independently of Fuchsia. Stand-alone Cobalt includes server-side components that run in Linux on Google Kubernetes Engine and a generic client library that is compiled for Linux using the build described in this document..

When imported into //third_party/cobalt within a Fuchsia checkout, the Cobalt client library is compiled for Fuchsia and accessed via a FIDL wrapper. If you are trying to use Cobalt from an application running on Fuchsia, stop reading this document and instead read Cobalt's in the Garnet repo.


  1. We only develop on Linux. You may or may not have success on other systems.
  2. Python 2.7
  3. libstdc++

Fetch the code

For example via

  • git clone
  • cd cobalt

Run setup

./ setup. This will take a few minutes the first time. It does the following:

  • Fetches third party code into the third_party dir via git submodules.
  • Fetches the sysroot and puts it in the sysroot dir. This uses a tool called cipd or Chrome Infrastructure Package Deployer.
  • Updates the Google Cloud SDK (which was included in sysroot)
  • Other miscellaneous stuff

The Python script in the root directory is used to orchestrate building, testing and deploying to Google Kubernetes Engine. It was already used above in ./ setup.

  • ./ -h for general help
  • <command> -h for help on a command
  • <command> <subcommand> -h for help on a sub-command

The --verbose flag

If you pass the flag --verbose to various commands you will see more verbose output. Pass it multiple times to increase the verbosity further.


  • ./ clean
  • ./ build

The Cobalt build uses CMake.

Run the Tests

  • ./ test This runs the whole suite of tests finally running the the end-to-end test. The tests should all pass.
  • It is possible to run subsets of the tests by passing the --tests= argument.
  • See ./ test -h for documentation about the --tests= argument.

The end-to-end test

./ test --tests=e2e --verbose --verbose --verbose This stands up a complete Cobalt system running locally:

  • An instance of Bigtable Emulator
  • The Shuffler
  • The Analyzer Service
  • The Report Master Service

It then uses the test app to send Observations to the Shuffler, uses the observation querier to wait until the Observations have arrived at the Analyzer, uses the report client library to generate a report and wait for the report to complete, and finally checks the result of the report.

The code for the end-to-end test is written in Go and is in the end_to_end_tests/src directory.


Cobalt uses the Gerrit code review tool. See the submitting-changes section of the Fuchsia contributing doc for more info about using Gerrit. But note that the stand-alone Cobalt build currently does not use Jiri. Use the command git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master. Also the other sections of that document are not relevant to stand-alone Cobalt.

Source Layout

The source layout is related to Cobalt‘s process architecture. Here we describe the source layout and process architecture together. Most of Cobalt’s code is C++. The Shuffler is written in Go.

The root directory

The most interesting contents of the root directory are the .proto files observation.proto, which contains the definitions of Observation and Envelope, and encrypted_message.proto, which contains the definition of EncryptedMessage. Observations are the basic units of data captured by a Cobalt client application. Each Observation is encrypted and the bytes are stored in an EncryptedMessage. Multiple EncryptedMessages are stored in an ObservationBatch. Multiple ObservationBatches are stored in an Envelope. Envelopes are sent via gRPC from the Encoder to the Shuffler.


This directory contains the code for Cobalt's Encoder, which is a client library whose job is to encode Observations using one of several privacy-preserving encodings, and send Envelopes to the Shuffler using gRPC.


This directory contains the code for one of Cobalt‘s server-side components, the Shuffler. The Shuffler receives encrypted Observations from the Encoder, stores them briefly, shuffles them, and forwards the shuffled ObservationBatches on to the Analyzer Service. The purpose of the Shuffler is to break linkability with individual users. It is one of the privacy tools in Cobalt’s arsenal. The Shuffler is written in Go.


This directory contains the code for more of Cobalt's server side components. Conceptually the Analyzer is a single entity responsible for receiving Observations from the Shuffler, storing them in a database, and later analyzing them to produce published reports. The analyzer is actually composed of two different processes.


This directory contains the code for Cobalt‘s Analyzer Service process. This is a gRPC server that receives ObservationBatches from the Shuffler and writes the Observations to Cobalt’s ObservationStore in Bigtable.


This directory contains the code for Cobalt‘s Report Master process. This is a server that generates periodic reports on a schedule. It analyzes the Observations in the ObservationStore, decodes them if they were encoded using a privacy-preserving algorithm, and aggregates them into reports. The reports are stored in Cobalt’s ReportStore in Bigtable and also published as CSV files to Google Cloud Storage. The ReportMaster also exposes a gRPC API so that one-off reports may be requested.


This directory contains the implementations of the ObservationStore and ReportStore using Bigtable.


This directory contains the implementations of Cobalt's privacy- preserving algorithms. This code is linked into both the Encoder, which uses it to encode Observations, and the ReportMaster, which uses it to decode Observations.


This directory contains the implementation of Cobalt's config registration system. A client that wants to use Cobalt starts by registering configurations of their Metrics, Encodings and Reports.


Contains our end-to-end test, written in Go.


This directory contains hooks used by Fuchsia's CI (continuous integration) and CQ (commit queue) systems.


This directory contains data files related to deploying Cobalt to Google Kubernetes Engine. It is used only at deploy time.


This directory contains a Jiri manifest. It is used to integrate Cobalt into the rest of the Fuchsia build when Cobalt is imported into third_party/cobalt. This is not used at all in Cobalt's stand-alone build.


This directory contains configuration about the production data centers where the Cobalt servers are deployed. It is used only at deploy time.


This directory contains a rather old and obsolete early Python prototype of Cobalt.


This directory contains build, test and deployment tooling.


This directory contains utility libraries used by the Encoder and Analyzer.

Running a local Cobalt System

You can run a complete Cobalt system locally as follows. Open seven different command-line console windows and run the following commands in each one respectively:

  • ./ start bigtable_emulator
  • ./ start analyzer_service
  • ./ start shuffler
  • ./ start report_master
  • ./ start test_app
  • ./ start observation_querier
  • ./ start report_client

It is a good idea to label the tabs so you can keep track of them. You can safely ignore warnings about private and public key PEM files missing and about using insecure connections. This means that encryption will not be enabled. We discuss Cobalt's use of encryption later in this document.

Note that the ./ start command automatically sets the flag -v=3 on all of the started processes. This sets the virtual logging level to 3. The Cobalt log messages have been specifically tuned to give interesting output during a demo at this virtual logging level. For example the Analyzer service will log each time it receives a batch of Observations.

Demo Script

Here is a demo script you may run through if you wish:

  • Use the test_app to send Forculus Observations through the Shuffler to the Analyzer

    • encode 19 www.AAAA
    • encode 20 www.BBBB
    • send
    • See that the Shuffler says it received the Observations but it has not yet forwarded them to the Analyzer because the number of Observations have not yet crossed the Shuffler's threshold (100).
    • encode 100 www.CCCC
    • send
    • See that the Shuffler says it received another batch of Observations and that it has now forwarded all of the Observations to the Analyzer.
    • See that the Analyzer says it has received the Observations
  • Use the observation_querier to inspect the state of the Observation store.

    • query 50
    • See the debug output that shows the Forculus Observations.
    • Note that the Observations also include a SystemProfile that describes the OS and cpu of the client.
  • Use the report_client to generate a report

    • run full 1
    • See that www.BBBB and www.CCCC were decrypted because the number of them exceeded the Forculus threshold of 20 but www.AAAA was not decrypted because the number of them did not exceed the threshold.
  • Use the test_app to send Basic RAPPOR Observations through the Shuffler to the Analyzer

    • set metric 2
    • set encoding 2
    • encode 500 11
    • encode 1000 12
    • encode 500 13
    • send
    • See that the Shuffler says it received the Observations and forwarded them to the Analyzer.
    • See that the Analyzer says it received the Observations.
  • Use the observation_querier to inspect the state of the Observation store.

    • set metric 2
    • query 50
    • See the debug output that shows the Basic RAPPOR Observations
    • Again note that the Observations also include a SystemProfile that describes the OS and cpu of the client.
  • Use the report_client to generate a report

    • run full 2
    • See the histogram generated by the Basic RAPPOR Observations. The values that were actually encoded by the client, 11, 12 and 13, show estimated counts that are close to their true counts of 500, 1000 and 500 respectively. The other values may show estimated counts of zero or a small number.

Using TLS

Communication to the Shuffler and ReportMaster uses gRPC which allows for communication to be protected by TLS. In our production clusters we do not need to enable TLS on these servers because they are protected by Google Cloud Endpoints and we have enabled TLS on our Endpoints servers. But the Shuffler and ReportMaster do support enabling TLS directly on them if we ever chose to make use of this. When testing locally you may optionally enable TLS by passing the flag --use_tls=true to various commands. This is supported by

  • ./ start shuffler
  • ./ start report_master
  • ./ start test_app
  • ./ start report_client
  • ./ test --tests=e2e

These commands use a TLS server private key and a TLS server certificate located in the end_to_end_tests directory and using the host name localhost. When running locally the clients connect to the servers using localhost by default. It is also possible to generate additional self-signed certificates for names other than localhost or for an IP address. See the section Generating A Self-Signed TLS Certificate for Testing below.

Generating PEM Files

Cobalt uses a custom public-key encryption scheme in which the Encoder encrypts Observations to the public key of the Analyzer before sending them to the Shuffler. This is a key part of the design of Cobalt and we refer to it via the slogan “The Shuffler shuffles sealed envelopes” meaning that the Shuffler does not get to see the data that it is shuffling. In order for this to work it is necessary for there to be public/private key PEM files that can be read by the Encoder and the Analyzer. The end-to-end test uses the PEM files located in the end_to_end_tests directory named analyzer_private_key.pem.e2e_test and analyzer_public_key.pem.e2e_test. But for running Cobalt in any other environment we do not want to check in a private key into source control and so we ask each developer to generate their own key pair.

./ generate_keys

Then follow the instructions to copy the generated contents into files named analyzer_public.pem and analyzer_private.pem in your source root directory. If these files are present they will automatically get used by several of the commands including running a local Cobalt system and deploying to Google Container Engine (discussed below).

Encryption to the Shuffler

In addition to the encryption to the Analyzer mentioned above there is a second layer of encryption in which Envelopes are encrypted to the public key of the Shuffler. The purpose of this layer of encryption is that TLS between the Encoder and the Shuffler may be terminated prior to reaching the Shuffler in some load-balanced environments. We need a second public/private key pair for this encryption. The end-to-end test uses the PEM files located in the end_to_end_tests directory named shuffler_private_key.pem.e2e_test and shuffler_public_key.pem.e2e_test. But for running Cobalt in any other environment follow the instructions above for generating analyzer_public.pem and analyzer_private.pem but this time create two new files named shuffler_public.pem and shuffler_private.pem