blob: 54d43d715eb3f64c6d2f44854da5e6255e0e22bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
import "observation.proto";
// An Observation is a piece of data sent from a Cobalt client to the Cobalt
// server as input to a Report.
// Observations are associated with a specific Metric. They are built on a
// Fuchsia client based on the Events logged for that Metric. Observations are
// associated with a specific Report. They are built for the purpose of
// generating that Report. They are transmitted from the Fuchsia client to
// the Cobalt server where they are aggregated and analyzed in order to generate
// the Report.
// Observations may store their data using special privacy-preserving encodings.
// The specification of how to do this is part of the definition of a Report.
// Observations are built for a particular Report and so use an encoding
// appropriate for that Report.
// There are different types of Observations that are appropriate for different
// types of Metrics and different types of Reports.
// An Observation is always transmitted and stored along with
// some ObservationMetadata that describes, among other things, which Metric
// and which Report it is for and on which day the Observation was formed.
// Observations are transmitted from the client to the server encrypted, inside
// the |ciphertext| field of an EncryptedMessage. Many encrypted Observations
// are transmitted together inside of an ObservationBatch.
message Observation2 {
// Next observation_type ID: 6
// Next general ID: 1002;
// An Observation has one of the following types.
oneof observation_type {
IntegerEventObservation numeric_event = 1;
HistogramObservation histogram = 2;
BasicRapporObservation basic_rappor = 3;
RapporObservation string_rappor = 4;
ForculusObservation forculus = 5;
CustomObservation custom = 1000;
// A quasi-unique identifier for this observation. This is randomly generated
// on the client and used on the server as part of a fully-unique identifier.
// This field allows the operation of sending an Observation to the Cobalt
// server to be idempotent: If the same Observation is transmitted twice then
// the server will store the observation only once.
bytes random_id = 1001;
// Observations of type IntegerEventObservation contain an event type specified
// by its index, a component specified by its hash, and an integer value.
// This type of Observation is used in the following cases:
// (a) A Metric of type EVENT_COUT and a Report of type
// In this case the Observation is *immediate* meaning it is generated
// directly from a single Event as soon as the Event is logged. The |value|
// field contains the count. Note that the |period_duration_micros| from the
// Event is not used. It's purpose is to compute event *rates* which are not
// relevant to the EVENT_COMPONENT_OCCURRENCE_COUNT Report type.
// (b) A Metric of type ELAPSED_TIME and a Report of type
// NUMERIC_PERF_RAW_DUMP. In this case the Observation again is
// immediate. The |value| field contains the duration in microseconds.
// (c) A Metric of type FrameRateMetric and a Report of type
// NUMERIC_PERF_RAW_DUMP. In this case the Observation again is
// immediate. The |value| field contains round(fps * 1000).
// (d) A Metric of type MemoryUseMetric and a Report of type
// NUMERIC_PERF_RAW_DUMP. In this case the Observation again is
// immediate. The |value| field contains the number of bytes.
message IntegerEventObservation {
// The index of the event that occurred.
uint32 event_index = 1;
// A hash of the component name.
string component_name_hash = 2;
int64 value = 3;
// Observations of type HistogramObservation contain an event type specified
// by its index, a component specified by its hash, and a histogram of
// integer-range buckets. This type of Observation is used in the
// following case:
// A MetricDefinition of type INT_HISTOGRAM and a Report of type
// INT_RANGE_HISTOGRAM. In this case the Observation is *immediate* meaning
// it is generated directly from a single INT_HISTOGRAM Event as soon as
// the Event is logged.
message HistogramObservation {
// The index of the event that occurred.
uint32 event_index = 1;
// A hash of the component name.
string component_name_hash = 2;
// A pair consisting of a bucket index and a count. Each bucket is
// an integer range. The definition of the buckets and their indices
// is given in the MetricDefinition.
message Bucket {
// The index of one of the buckets.
uint32 index = 1;
// The count for that bucket.
uint64 count = 2;
// The set of bucket indices and their corresponding counts.
repeated Bucket buckets = 3;
// Observations of this type contain a custom number of parts each with a
// custom name and a custom type.
// This type of Observation is used in the following case:
// A MetricDefinition of type CUSTOM and Report of type
// CUSTOM_RAW_DUMP. In this case the Observation is *immediate* meaning it is
// generated directly from a single CUSTOM Event as soon as the Event is
// logged. The Event contains a list of (name, value) pairs where the names
// are the names of the CUSTOM parts and the values are of the appropriate
// type defined in the CUSTOM. A CustomObservation directly stores those
// pairs.
message CustomObservation {
// The keys are the names of the metric parts to which each Value
// is associated.
map<string, ValuePart> values = 1;