blob: 65c7b35af9ccd3c193557885182a305fce1ffe2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/algorithms/rappor/lasso_runner_test.h"
namespace cobalt::rappor {
using cobalt_lossmin::InstanceSet;
using cobalt_lossmin::LabelSet;
using cobalt_lossmin::Weights;
// Tests of the correctness of the first RAPPOR step.
// Note: some of the tests are heuristic.
// Test if zero right hand side gives a zero solution.
TEST_F(LassoRunnerTest, ZeroSolution) {
// Any matrix with zero right hand side and zero initial guess should give a
// zero solution.
// We will create a random m x n matrix with num_nonzero_entries.
static const int m = 100;
static const int n = 200;
static const int num_nonzero_entries =
1000; // the actual number of non-zeros might be slightly different
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> triplets(num_nonzero_entries);
// Create a random m x n sparse matrix and zero right hand side.
InstanceSet matrix = RandomMatrix(m, n, num_nonzero_entries);
Weights zero_right_hand_side = Weights::Zero(m);
LabelSet right_hand_side = zero_right_hand_side;
Weights results = Weights::Zero(n);
// The result should not depend on the values below.
const int max_nonzero_coeffs = 1.0;
const double max_solution_1_norm = 1.0;
std::vector<int> second_step_cols;
// Reset the runner and run first lasso step.
lasso_runner_ = std::make_unique<LassoRunner>(&matrix);
lasso_runner_->RunFirstRapporStep(max_nonzero_coeffs, max_solution_1_norm, right_hand_side,
&results, &second_step_cols);
// Check that the Lasso parameters make numerical sense.
// Check that the result is zero.
EXPECT_LE(results.norm(), 1e-12);
EXPECT_EQ(second_step_cols.empty(), true);
// Checks that the result on a non-singular square matrix with full lasso path
// is correct; it should be close to the actual solution.
TEST_F(LassoRunnerTest, ExactSolution) {
// We will create a random triangular n x n sparse matrix with ones on the
// diagonal and additional num_nonzero_entries. Such matrix is nonsingular.
static const int n = 50;
static const int num_nonzero_entries =
50; // the actual number of non-zeros might be slightly different
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> triplets(n + num_nonzero_entries);
// If the absolute values of the additional random entries are at most 1.0,
// the matrix will be well-conditioned.
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> n_distribution(0, n - 1);
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> real_distribution(0, 1.0);
// Create the random matrix and a random solution.
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
triplets.emplace_back(Eigen::Triplet<double>(k, k, 1.0));
int nonzero_entries_count = 0;
while (nonzero_entries_count < num_nonzero_entries) {
uint32_t i = n_distribution(random_dev_);
uint32_t j = n_distribution(random_dev_);
if (j > i) {
double entry = real_distribution(random_dev_);
triplets.emplace_back(Eigen::Triplet<double>(i, j, entry));
InstanceSet matrix(n, n);
matrix.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(), triplets.end());
Weights random_solution(n);
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
random_solution(k) = real_distribution(random_dev_);
Weights random_right_hand_side = matrix * random_solution;
LabelSet right_hand_side = random_right_hand_side;
Weights results = Weights::Zero(n);
// Set the limits on the solution to make sure full lasso path is performed.
const int max_nonzero_coeffs = n + 1;
const double max_solution_1_norm = 10 * random_solution.lpNorm<1>();
std::vector<int> second_step_cols;
// Reset the lasso runner and perform the first step of RAPPOR.
lasso_runner_ = std::make_unique<LassoRunner>(&matrix);
lasso_runner_->RunFirstRapporStep(max_nonzero_coeffs, max_solution_1_norm, right_hand_side,
&results, &second_step_cols);
// Check solution correctness.
CheckFirstRapporStepCorrectness(right_hand_side, results);
CheckNonzeroCandidates(second_step_cols, results);
EXPECT_LE((results - random_solution).norm() / random_solution.norm(), 1e-3);
// Checks that the limit on the number of nonzero elements in the solution is
// implemented correctly. Runs a bunch of examples and checks if the limit on
// the number of nonzero coordinates is satisfied.
TEST_F(LassoRunnerTest, MaxNonzeros) {
// We will create m x n random sparse matrix and
// repeat the test num_tests times. The matrix will have approximately
// num_nonzero_entries.
static const int num_tests = 10;
static const int m = 100;
static const int n = 50;
static const int num_nonzero_entries =
500; // the actual number of nonzero entries might be slightly different
static const int max_norm_factor = 100;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> real_distribution(-1.0, 1.0);
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> n_distribution(1, n);
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) {
// Create a random matrix and right hand side.
// Take random limit on the number of nonzero coordinates.
// Solve and check if the limit is satisfied.
// The other stopping criterion is purposely lax.
InstanceSet matrix = RandomMatrix(m, n, num_nonzero_entries);
Weights random_solution(n);
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
random_solution(k) = real_distribution(random_dev_);
Weights random_right_hand_side = matrix * random_solution;
LabelSet right_hand_side = random_right_hand_side;
int max_nonzero_coeffs = n_distribution(random_dev_);
double max_solution_1_norm = max_norm_factor * random_solution.lpNorm<1>();
// Reset the lasso runner and run the first RAPPOR step.
Weights results = Weights::Zero(n);
std::vector<int> second_step_cols;
lasso_runner_ = std::make_unique<LassoRunner>(&matrix);
lasso_runner_->RunFirstRapporStep(max_nonzero_coeffs, max_solution_1_norm, right_hand_side,
&results, &second_step_cols);
// Check that parameters make numerical sense and that the solution is
// correct.
CheckNonzeroCandidates(second_step_cols, results);
CheckFirstRapporStepCorrectness(right_hand_side, results);
// Since the last step of lasso is computed with a different accuracy, we
// relax the check. This is heuristic.
EXPECT_LE(second_step_cols.size(), static_cast<uint32_t>(1.2 * max_nonzero_coeffs + 5));
// Checks that the limit on the 1-norm of the solution is well-implemented.
// This test is similar to MaxNonzeros. Run a bunch of examples and see if the
// limit on the solution 1-norm is satisfied
TEST_F(LassoRunnerTest, MaxNorm) {
// We will create m x n random sparse matrix and repeat the test
// num_tests times. The matrix will have approximately num_nonzero_entries.
static const int num_tests = 10;
static const int m = 100;
static const int n = 50;
static const int num_nonzero_entries =
500; // the actual number of nonzero entries might be slightly different
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> real_distribution(0, 1.0);
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> n_distribution(1, n);
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) {
// Create a random matrix and right hand side.
// Take random limit on the 1-norm of the solution.
// Solve and check if the limit is satisfied.
// The other stopping criterion is purposely lax.
InstanceSet matrix = RandomMatrix(m, n, num_nonzero_entries);
Weights random_solution(n);
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
random_solution(k) = real_distribution(random_dev_);
Weights random_right_hand_side = matrix * random_solution;
LabelSet right_hand_side = random_right_hand_side;
int max_nonzero_coeffs = n + 1;
double max_solution_1_norm = real_distribution(random_dev_) * random_solution.lpNorm<1>() + 1.0;
Weights results = Weights::Zero(n);
std::vector<int> second_step_cols;
lasso_runner_ = std::make_unique<LassoRunner>(&matrix);
lasso_runner_->RunFirstRapporStep(max_nonzero_coeffs, max_solution_1_norm, right_hand_side,
&results, &second_step_cols);
// Check that parameters make numerical sense and that the solution is
// correct.
CheckNonzeroCandidates(second_step_cols, results);
CheckFirstRapporStepCorrectness(right_hand_side, results);
// Since the last step of lasso is computed with a different accuracy we
// relax the check. This is heuristic.
EXPECT_LE(results.lpNorm<1>(), static_cast<double>(1.5 * max_solution_1_norm));
// Tests of the correctness of the second RAPPOR step.
// Note: Some tests are inherently heuristic.
// This test is similar to ExactSolution but checks exactness of the second
// RAPPOR step. Also checks that zero standard errors of the label set give
// zero standard errors of the result.
TEST_F(LassoRunnerTest, SecondStepExactness) {
// Create a random triangular m x n sparse matrix with ones on the diagonal
// and additional num_nonzero_entries.
static const int m = 50;
static const int n = 50;
static const int num_nonzero_entries =
100; // the actual number of non-zeros might be slightly different
static const double l1_penalty = 1e-8;
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> triplets(n + num_nonzero_entries);
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> n_distribution(0, n - 1);
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> m_distribution(0, m - 1);
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> real_distribution(0.0, 1.0);
// Create the random matrix and a random solution.
Weights random_solution(n);
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
triplets.emplace_back(Eigen::Triplet<double>(k, k, 1.0));
random_solution(k) = real_distribution(random_dev_);
int nonzero_entries_count = 0;
while (nonzero_entries_count < num_nonzero_entries) {
uint32_t i = m_distribution(random_dev_);
uint32_t j = n_distribution(random_dev_);
if (j < i) {
double entry = real_distribution(random_dev_);
triplets.emplace_back(Eigen::Triplet<double>(i, j, entry));
InstanceSet matrix(m, n);
matrix.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(), triplets.end());
Weights random_right_hand_side = matrix * random_solution;
LabelSet right_hand_side = random_right_hand_side;
// Set standard errors to zero and prepare the minimizer input.
std::vector<double> standard_errs(m, 0.0);
Weights initial_guess = Weights::Constant(n, 0.75); // NOLINT
Weights results = Weights::Zero(n);
Weights estimated_errs = Weights::Zero(n);
// Reset the lasso runner and run the second RAPPOR step.
lasso_runner_ = std::make_unique<LassoRunner>(&matrix);
lasso_runner_->GetExactValuesAndStdErrs(l1_penalty, initial_guess, standard_errs, matrix,
right_hand_side, &results, &estimated_errs);
// Check the correctness of the solution and that the estimated errors are
// zero.
EXPECT_LE((results - random_solution).norm() / random_solution.norm(), 1e-3);
EXPECT_LE(estimated_errs.norm(), 1e-12);
// Check the exactness of the standard error estimates.
// We run the Second RAPPOR step on an identity matrix and check that
// the estimated solution and errors are reasonable.
// Note: The tests are inherently heuristic because of randomness in the
// algorithm.
TEST_F(LassoRunnerTest, SecondStepErrors) {
static const int n = 50;
static const double l1_penalty = 1e-8;
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> triplets;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> real_distribution(0.5, 1.0); // NOLINT
// Create the identity matrix and a random solution.
Weights random_solution(n);
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
random_solution(k) = real_distribution(random_dev_);
triplets.push_back(Eigen::Triplet<double>(k, k, 1.0)); // NOLINT
InstanceSet matrix(n, n);
matrix.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(), triplets.end());
LabelSet right_hand_side = random_solution;
// Set standard errors to 10% of the entry.
std::vector<double> standard_errs(n);
Weights errors_to_compare(n);
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
standard_errs[k] = 0.1 * random_solution(k); // NOLINT
errors_to_compare(k) = standard_errs[k];
// Run the second RAPPOR step.
Weights initial_guess = Weights::Constant(n, 0.75); // NOLINT
Weights results = Weights::Zero(n);
Weights estimated_errs = Weights::Zero(n);
lasso_runner_ = std::make_unique<LassoRunner>(&matrix);
lasso_runner_->GetExactValuesAndStdErrs(l1_penalty, initial_guess, standard_errs, matrix,
right_hand_side, &results, &estimated_errs);
// The solution should be close but we should not count on exactness.
EXPECT_LE((results - random_solution).norm() / random_solution.norm(), 1e-1);
// Check that the error estimates are reasonable.
EXPECT_LE((estimated_errs - errors_to_compare).norm() / errors_to_compare.norm(), 0.5);
} // namespace cobalt::rappor