HybridCipher: Expose simpler API. Hide complex API.

We convert the functions Encrypt() and Decrypt() which expose
three-part ciphertexts into private internal functions and instead
expose new versions of Encrypt() and Decrypt() that hide that
complexity and deal with a simple opaque compound ciphertext.

We have in the past had conversations around using protocol buffer
messages to encapsulate the three parts of the hybrid ciphertext.
I actually started to do that work and came to the conclusion that
it was not a good idea. Our three part ciphertext is quite simple:
Two of the parts have fixed length so it is quite easy to simply
concatenate the parts. I say let the encoding be simply
<33-byte-public-key><16-byte-salt><symmetric ciphertext>
and be done with it.

There is no reason that a caller to the HybridCipher API needs to know
the internal structure of the ciphertext any more than there is
for a caller to know the internal structure of an AES ciphertext.

We will need a specification document that describes this byte layout
but we will need a specification document anyway to describe the whole

Change-Id: I3e9205b41b1928c92ff6b6ee4c649ffeebe68481
3 files changed
tree: aa6454e30a4f5f2d2b124c29a61c1e5175454075
  1. algorithms/
  2. analyzer/
  3. config/
  4. docker/
  5. encoder/
  6. end_to_end_tests/
  7. infra/
  8. prototype/
  9. shuffler/
  10. third_party/
  11. tools/
  12. util/
  13. .gitignore
  14. .gitmodules
  16. CMakeLists.txt
  17. cobaltb.py
  18. encrypted_message.proto
  20. observation.proto
  21. README.md
  22. setup.sh


An extensible, privacy-preserving, user-data analysis pipeline. go/cobalt-for-privacy

  • Prerequisites

    • Currently this repo has only been tested on Ubuntu.
  • One-time setup: cobaltb.py setup

    • This will setup the git submodules and will install dependencies in the sysroot directory. See the sysroot section below for details.
  • The script cobaltb.py orchestrates building and testing Cobalt.

    • cobaltb.py build
    • cobaltb.py test
    • cobaltb.py lint to run the linters
    • cobaltb.py -h for general help

Running the tests

It is possible to run various subsets of the tests. Run cobaltb.py test -h to see the possible subsets.

Memory-Store tests

./cobaltb.py test --tests=gtests This runs all of the gunit tests. For those tests that need a DataStore, the in-memory datastore is used. Compare this against the other possibilities for a DataStore listed below.

Bigtable Emulator tests

./cobaltb.py test --tests=btemulator This starts the Bigtable emulator running on the local machine on the default port of 9000. Then it runs various gunit tests that need a DataStore and that expect to find the emulator running. These tests use the BigtableStore as the DataStore and BigtableStore connects to the Bigtable emulator.

Cloud Bigtable tests

These are a set of gunit tests that use BigtableStore as the DataStore and connect to the real Google Cloud Bigtable. These tests are not run automatically at this time. They are not run on the build machine and they are not run if you type ./cobaltb.py test --tests=all. Instead you must explictly invoke them. See below for the command line.

One-time setup: You must install a credential on your computer in order for the Cobalt code running on your computer to be able to access Cobalt's testing Google Cloud Project.

  • Go to the Credentials page of the project.
  • Click Create Credentials
  • Select Service Account Key as the type of key
  • In the Service Account dropdown select New Service Account and assign your service account any name.
  • Select JSON as the key type
  • Click Create
  • A JSON file containing the credentials will be generated and downloaded to your computer. Save it anywhere.
  • Rename and move the JSON file. You must name the file exactly service_account_credentials.json and you must put the file in the Cobalt source root directory (next to this README file.)
  • cobaltb.py sets the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the path to that file. This is necessary for the gRPC code linked with Cobalt to find the credential at run-time during the tests.

Side-note: We are abusing service accounts with this procedure. The more appropriate solution is to use oauth tokens in order to authenticate your computer to Google Cloud. However at this time there seems to be a bug that is preventing this from working. The symptom is you will see the following error message: assertion failed: deadline.clock_type == g_clock_type. If you see this error message it means that the oauth flow is being attempted and has hit this bug. This happens if the gRPC code is not able to use the service account credential located at GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.

If you want, it is possible to use a different Google Cloud project besides Cobalt's testing project. Follow all the same steps above using any project. Then later you will have to pass the command-line flag --bigtable_project_name with the name of your project.

Every-time setup You will also need to create your own personal instance of Cloud Bigtable within the Google Cloud project for which you created credentials above. Because it costs our cost center money to have have an instance of Google Cloud Bigtable running, we recommend not leaving your personal instance running all the time. We recommend creating an instance when you want to test with it and then deleting it when you are done.

  • Go to the Bigtable instance creation page of Cobalt's testing Google Cloud project, or the project for which you created credentials above.
  • Name your instance whatever you would like
  • Important: Please select Development and not Production. This is one-third the cost.
  • Now run ./cobaltb.py test --tests=cloud_bt --bigtable_instance_name=<your-personal-instance>
  • You can also pass the flag --bigtable_project_name=<your-project-name> if you want to use a different project.
  • If you don't plan to use your instance for a few days please delete it and then recreate another one later.

Running the Analyzer Service Locally

You can run the Analyzer Service locally using an in-memory data store as follows:

  • Let <root> be the root of your Cobalt installation.

  • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<root>/sysroot/lib

  • ./out/analyzer/analyzer -for_testing_only_use_memstore -port=8080 -cobalt_config_dir="config/registered" -logtostderr

Bigtable emulator

You can run the analyzer locally using the Bigtable emulator as follows. Start the Bigtable emulator:

  • ./sysroot/gcloud/google-cloud-sdk/platform/bigtable-emulator/cbtemulator

In a separate console run:

  • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<root>/sysroot/lib

  • ./out/analyzer/analyzer -for_testing_only_use_bigtable_emulator -port=8080 -cobalt_config_dir="config/registered" -logtostderr


You can run the shuffler locally as follows:

  • /out/shuffler/shuffler -logtostderr -config_file out/config/shuffler_default.conf -batch_size 100 -vmodule=receiver=2,dispatcher=1,store=2

cgen: Cobalt gRPC generator

The following example sends a single RPC containing an ObservationBatch with 200 Observations to an Analyzer running locally on port 8080:

  • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<root>/sysroot/lib

  • ./out/tools/cgen -analyzer_uri="localhost:8080" -num_observations=200

The following example sends the RPC instead to the shuffler running locally on port 50051:

  • ./out/tools/cgen -analyzer_uri="localhost:8080" -shuffler_uri="localhost:50051" -num_observations=200

Google Container Engine (GCE)

The cobaltb.py tool is also a helper to interact with GCE. The following commands are supported:

gce_build - Build the docker images for use on GCE.

gce_push - Publish the built docker images to the GCE repository.

gce_start - Start the cobalt components. To see the external IP of services run, for example: kubectl get service analyzer

gce_stop - Stops the cobalt components.

GCE Prerequisites

  • sudo apt-get install docker-engine

  • sudo usermod -aG docker

    • You'll have to login again to be added to the docker group.
  • Install gcloud: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/

  • gcloud init

  • gcloud components install kubectl

GCE Authentication

Tasks like gce_start, gce_stop or running the Analyzer outside of GCE require setting the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to point to the JSON file containing credentials. Follow the instructions of step “1.” of “How the Application Default Credentials work” from:


sysroot (Cobalt's dependencies)

All of Cobalt's dependencies (both compile and run-time) are installed in the sysroot directory using the setup.sh script. To avoid having to compile the dependencies every time, a packaged binary version of sysroot is stored on Google storage. cobaltb.py setup will download the pre-built sysroot from Google storage.

To upload a new version of sysroot on Google storage do the following:

  • rm -fr sysroot
  • ./setup.sh -u
  • Edit setup.sh and modify VERSION to have the SHA of the new sysroot.