blob: bd14d23babd46e704d4d82f2c5f70e6a1491b0a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements logic for converting arbitrary strings into valid
// idents of various styles.
package source_generator
import (
var (
wordSeparator = regexp.MustCompile(`[ _]`)
validFirstChar = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z_]`)
invalidIdentChars = regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-zA-Z0-9_]`)
func splitIdentWord(name string) string {
entries := []string{}
prevChar := ' '
curWord := []rune{}
name = wordSeparator.ReplaceAllString(name, " ")
for _, char := range name {
if unicode.IsLetter(char) && unicode.IsUpper(char) && !unicode.IsUpper(prevChar) {
if len(curWord) > 0 && len(strings.Trim(string(curWord), " ")) > 0 {
entries = append(entries, strings.Trim(strings.ToLower(string(curWord)), " "))
curWord = []rune{char}
} else {
curWord = append(curWord, char)
prevChar = char
if len(curWord) > 0 {
entries = append(entries, strings.Trim(strings.ToLower(string(curWord)), " "))
return strings.Join(entries, " ")
// splitIdentWords takes an arbitrary string and splits along word boundaries.
// Examples:
// splitIdentWords("ThisIsAString") = "this is a string"
// splitIdentWords("this_is_a_string") = "this is a string"
func splitIdentWords(nameParts ...string) string {
var retParts []string
for _, part := range nameParts {
retParts = append(retParts, splitIdentWord(part))
return strings.Join(retParts, " ")
// simpleTitle is a simplified version of strings.Title that more appropriately
// matches what we is needed for pascalCase and snakeCase.
func simpleTitle(name string) string {
words := []string{}
for _, word := range strings.Split(wordSeparator.ReplaceAllString(name, " "), " ") {
if len(word) == 0 {
runes := []rune(word)
runes[0] = unicode.ToUpper(runes[0])
words = append(words, string(runes))
return strings.Join(words, " ")
// sanitizeIdent takes an ident and replaces all invalid characters with _.
// Examples:
// sanitizeIdent("0Test") = "_0Test"
// sanitizeIdent("THIS IS A TEST") = "THIS_IS_A_TEST"
// sanitizeIdent("IHopeThisWorks(DoesIt?)") = "IHopeThisWorks_DoesIT__"
func sanitizeIdent(name string) string {
if !validFirstChar.MatchString(name) {
name = "_" + name
return invalidIdentChars.ReplaceAllString(name, "_")
// toSnakeCase converts an arbitrary string into snake_case (should be a valid
// ident in all supported languages).
// Examples:
// toSnakeCase("this is a string") = "this_is_a_string"
// toSnakeCase("testing_a_string") = "testing_a_string"
// toSnakeCase("more word(s)") = "more_word_s_"
func toSnakeCase(nameParts ...string) string {
return sanitizeIdent(strings.ToLower(splitIdentWords(nameParts...)))
// toUpperSnakeCase converts an arbitrary string into UPPER_SNAKE_CASE (should
// be a valid ident in all supported languages).
// Examples:
// toUpperSnakeCase("this is a string") = "THIS_IS_A_STRING"
// toUpperSnakeCase("testing_a_string") = "TESTING_A_STRING"
// toUpperSnakeCase("more word(s)") = "MORE_WORD_S_"
func toUpperSnakeCase(nameParts ...string) string {
return strings.ToUpper(toSnakeCase(nameParts...))
// toPascalCase converts an arbitrary string into PascalCase (should be a valid
// ident in all supported languages).
// Examples:
// toPascalCase("this is a string") = "ThisIsAString"
// toPascalCase("testing_a_string") = "TestingAString"
// toPascalCase("more word(s)") = "MoreWord_s_"
func toPascalCase(nameParts ...string) string {
capitalizedWords := simpleTitle(splitIdentWords(nameParts...))
return sanitizeIdent(strings.Join(strings.Split(capitalizedWords, " "), ""))
// toCamelCase converts an arbitrary string into camelCase (should be a valid
// ident in all supported languages).
// Examples:
// toCamelCase("this is a string") = "thisIsAString"
// toCamelCase("testing_a_string") = "testingAString"
// toCamelCase("more word(s)") = "moreWord_s_"
func toCamelCase(nameParts ...string) string {
pascal := toPascalCase(nameParts...)
runes := []rune(pascal)
runes[0] = unicode.ToLower(runes[0])
return string(runes)