blob: c78b8e79f78c99ee6d61c19d1d2092e9e13531d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package cobalt;
option go_package = "config";
import "config/encodings.proto";
import "config/metrics.proto";
import "config/metric_definition.proto";
import "config/report_configs.proto";
// ProjectConfigFile is a representation of a yaml config file for a single
// cobalt project.
message ProjectConfigFile {
// Cobalt 0.1 configuration.
repeated EncodingConfig encoding_configs = 1;
repeated Metric metric_configs = 2;
repeated ReportConfig report_configs = 3;
// Cobalt 1.0 registration.
repeated MetricDefinition metric_definitions = 4;
// Configuration for the Cobalt 1.0 projects of a customer.
message CustomerConfig {
string customer_name = 1;
uint32 customer_id = 2;
repeated ProjectConfig projects = 3;
// Configuration for a Cobalt 1.0 project.
message ProjectConfig {
string project_name = 1;
uint32 project_id = 2;
repeated MetricDefinition metrics = 3;
// CobaltRegistry holds a set of metrics and reports registered with Cobalt.
// A CobaltRegistry can be in one of three states:
// (1) It can contain data for a single Cobalt 0.1 project. In this case
// the |encoding_configs|, |metric_configs| and |report_configs|
// fields are set and the |customers| field is unset. Furthermore all
// of the metrics, reports and encodings will be for the same project.
// (2) It can contain data for a single Cobalt 1.0 project. In this case
// the |encoding_configs|, |metric_configs| and |report_configs|
// fields are unset and the |customers| field is set. Furthermore there
// is a single CustomerConfig and it contains a single ProjectConfig.
// (3) It can contain data for multiple Cobalt projects. In this case it
// may contain data for some Cobalt 0.1 projects and some Cobalt 1.0
// projects. The Cobalt 0.1 project data will be contained in the fields
// |encoding_configs|, |metric_configs| and |report_configs| and the
// Cobalt 1.0 project data will be contained in the field |customers|.
message CobaltRegistry {
reserved 4;
// Cobalt 0.1 registry.
repeated EncodingConfig encoding_configs = 1;
repeated Metric metric_configs = 2;
repeated ReportConfig report_configs = 3;
// Cobalt 1.0 registration.
repeated CustomerConfig customers = 5;