blob: 24b97d914d37c973b10313f03a3ed5dc903676b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <unordered_map>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "./observation.pb.h"
#include "algorithms/forculus/forculus_decrypter.h"
#include "config/encodings.pb.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace forculus {
// A ForculusAnalyzer is constructed for the purpose of performing a single
// Forculus analysis.
// (1) Construct a ForculusAnalyzer passing in a ForculusConfig.
// (2) Repeatedly invoke AddObservation() to add the set of observations to
// be analyzed. The observations must all be for the same metric part and
// must have been encoded using the same encoding configuration. More
// precisely this means they must be associated with the same customer_id,
// project_id, metric_id, encoding_config_id and metric_part_name.
// (3) Invoke observation_errors() to check that all observations were added
// without any errors. Invoke num_observations() for the count of observations
// added.
// (4) Invoke TakeResults() to take the results.
// (5) Delete the ForculusAnalyzer as it should not be used any more.
// Note that the number of observations that are still left unencrypted may
// be computed as the value of num_observations() minus the sum of the values of
// |total_count| in each of the |ResultInfo|s in the map returned by
// TakeResults().
// An instance of ForculusAnalyzer is not thread-safe.
class ForculusAnalyzer {
// Constructs a ForculusAnalyzer for the given config. All of the observations
// added via AddObservation() must have been encoded using this config.
explicit ForculusAnalyzer(const cobalt::ForculusConfig& config);
// Adds an additional observation to be analyzed. All of the observations
// added must be for the same metric part and must have been encoded using
// the same encoding configuration. See comments at the top of this file for
// more details. Furthermore the observations must have been encoded using
// the ForculusConfig passed to the constructor.
// |day_index| is the index of the day that the observation was encoded at
// the client. It is used to compute an epoch_index. The observations are
// grouped by (epoch_index, ciphertext) before Forculus decryption is applied.
// Returns true to indicate the observation was added without error and
// so num_observations() was incremented or false to indicate there was
// an error and so observation_errors() was incremented.
bool AddObservation(uint32_t day_index,
const ForculusObservation& obs);
// The number of times that AddObservation() was invoked minus the value
// observation_errors().
size_t num_observations() {
return num_observations_;
// The number of times that AddObservation() was invoked and the observation
// was discarded due to an error. If this number is not zero it indicates
// that the Analyzer received data that was not created by a legitimate
// Cobalt client. See the error logs for details of the errors.
size_t observation_errors() {
return observation_errors_;
// A ResultInfo contains info about one particular recovered plaintext.
struct ResultInfo {
explicit ResultInfo(size_t total_count) :
total_count(total_count), num_epochs(1) {}
// The total number of observations added to this ForculusAnalyzer that
// decrypted to the plaintext. This is not the number of *distinct encoder
// clients* that sent this value. For example if 100 observations from the
// same encoder client that decrypt to this value were all added, then all
// 100 will be included in the count. (But the number of observations from
// distinct encoder clients must have been at least equal to the threshold
// or the value would not have been decrypted at all.)
size_t total_count;
// The number of different epochs that were analyzed that contributed
// to total_count. For example if the report period were one week and
// the Forculus epoch were one day then the report period would contain 7
// different Forculus epochs. Suppose that in 4 of the 7 epochs there
// were more than the threshold number of observations that decrypted to
// the plaintext but in the remaining three epochs there were not. Then this
// value would be 4.
size_t num_epochs;
// Returns the results of the Forculus analysis as a map.
// The keys to the map are all of the recovered plaintexts that were
// successfully decrypted by the analysis. The values are pointers to
// information about the recovered plaintext.
// After this method is invoked this ForculusAnalyzer should be deleted.
// This is because the contents of the returned map have been moved out
// of the ForculusAnalyzer leaving the ForculusAnalyzer in an undefined
// state.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ResultInfo>> TakeResults() {
return std::move(results_);
ForculusConfig config_;
size_t num_observations_ = 0;
size_t observation_errors_ = 0;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ResultInfo>> results_;
// The type of the keys of |decryption_map_|. Represents a group of
// observations that all come from the same epoch and have the same
// ciphertext.
struct DecrypterGroupKey{
DecrypterGroupKey(uint32_t epoch_index, std::string ciphertext) :
epoch_index(epoch_index), ciphertext(std::move(ciphertext)) {}
bool operator==(const DecrypterGroupKey& other) const {
return other.epoch_index == epoch_index && other.ciphertext == ciphertext;
// An eopch index. Forculus decryption operates on a set of observations
// that are all from the same epoch.
uint32_t epoch_index;
// A ciphertext to be decrypted.
std::string ciphertext;
// The type of the values of |decryption_map_|.
struct DecrypterResult {
// Constructs a new DecrypterResult with the given decrypter and a null
// result_info.
explicit DecrypterResult(std::unique_ptr<ForculusDecrypter>&& decrypter) :
result_info(nullptr) {}
// The ForculusDecrypter corresponding to the key if the ciphertext has
// not yet been decrypted, or NULL if the ciphertext has already been
// decrypted or if the ForculusDecrypter was previously corrupted.
std::unique_ptr<ForculusDecrypter> decrypter;
// A pointer to the ResultInfo for the recovered plain text
// corresponding to the key if the ciphertext has already been decrypted,
// or NULL if the ciphertext has not yet been decrypted.
ResultInfo* result_info;
// Hash function for DecrypterGroupKey.
class KeyHasher {
size_t operator()(const DecrypterGroupKey &key) const;
// A map from DecrypterGroupKeys to their DecrypterResults.
std::unordered_map<DecrypterGroupKey, DecrypterResult, KeyHasher>
} // namespace forculus
} // namespace cobalt