blob: cd4f32f395c1b23e731b61bba4eb885a9c929746 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/algorithms/forculus/forculus_encrypter.h"
#include "third_party/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace cobalt::forculus {
using system_data::ClientSecret;
static const uint32_t kDayIndex = 12345;
void TestEncrypterValidation(uint32_t threshold, bool use_valid_token,
ForculusEncrypter::Status expected_status, int caller_line_number) {
// Make a ClientSecret once and statically store the token.
static const std::string kClientSecretToken = ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret().GetToken();
std::string client_secret_token = (use_valid_token ? kClientSecretToken : "Invalid Token");
// Make a config with the given threshold
ForculusConfig config;
config.threshold = threshold;
// Construct the Encrypter.
ForculusEncrypter encrypter(config, 0, 0, 0, "", ClientSecret::FromToken(client_secret_token));
// Invoke Encrypt() and check the status.
ForculusObservation obs;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_status, encrypter.Encrypt("hello", kDayIndex, &obs))
<< "Invoked from line number: " << caller_line_number;
// A macro to invoke TestEncrypterValidation and pass it the current line num.
#define TEST_ENCRYPTER_VALIDATION(threshold, use_valid_token, expected_status) \
(TestEncrypterValidation(threshold, use_valid_token, expected_status, __LINE__))
// Tests ForculusEncrypter config and input validation.
TEST(ForculusEncrypterTest, Validation) {
bool use_valid_token = true;
// threshold = 1: kInvalidConfig
TEST_ENCRYPTER_VALIDATION(1, use_valid_token, ForculusEncrypter::kInvalidConfig);
// threshold = 2: kOK
TEST_ENCRYPTER_VALIDATION(2, use_valid_token, ForculusEncrypter::kOK);
// threshold = UINT32_MAX: kInvalidConfig
TEST_ENCRYPTER_VALIDATION(UINT32_MAX, use_valid_token, ForculusEncrypter::kInvalidConfig);
// threshold = 1000: kOK
TEST_ENCRYPTER_VALIDATION(1000, use_valid_token, ForculusEncrypter::kOK);
// invalid token: kInvalidConfig
use_valid_token = false;
TEST_ENCRYPTER_VALIDATION(1000, use_valid_token, ForculusEncrypter::kInvalidConfig);
// Constructs a ForculusEncrypter and invoke Encrypt().
ForculusObservation Encrypt(const std::string& plaintext, uint32_t threshold, uint32_t customer_id,
uint32_t project_id, uint32_t metric_id, std::string metric_part_name,
const std::string& secret_token, uint32_t day_index,
EpochType epoch_type) {
// Make a config with the given threshold
ForculusConfig config;
config.threshold = threshold;
config.epoch_type = epoch_type;
// Construct the Encrypter.
ForculusEncrypter encrypter(config, customer_id, project_id, metric_id,
std::move(metric_part_name), ClientSecret::FromToken(secret_token));
// Invoke Encrypt() and check the status.
ForculusObservation obs;
EXPECT_EQ(ForculusEncrypter::kOK, encrypter.Encrypt(plaintext, day_index, &obs));
return obs;
// We test all that we can about the Encrypter without doing any decryption.
// See for tests that involve decryption.
TEST(ForculusEncrypterTest, SanityTest) {
static const std::string kToken1 = ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret().GetToken();
static const std::string kToken2 = ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret().GetToken();
static const uint32_t kThreshold = 20;
static const uint32_t kOneWeek = 7;
static const uint32_t kOneMonth = 31;
uint32_t day_index1 = kDayIndex;
uint32_t day_index2 = day_index1 + 1;
// The encryption and points should be deterministic as a function of
// the inputs.
ForculusObservation obs1 =
Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
ForculusObservation obs2 =
Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
EXPECT_EQ(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_EQ(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_EQ(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// Different epochs should yield different ciphertexts and points.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index2, DAY);
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// Two different days in the same week are the same epoch if we are using
// WEEK epochs.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, WEEK);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1 + 1, WEEK);
EXPECT_EQ(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_EQ(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_EQ(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// But two different days in different weeks are different epochs if we
// are using WEEK epochs.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, WEEK);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1 + kOneWeek, WEEK);
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// Similarly two different days in the same month are the same epoch if we
// are using MONTH epochs.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, MONTH);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1 + kOneWeek, MONTH);
EXPECT_EQ(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_EQ(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_EQ(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// But two different days in different months are different epochs if we
// are using MONTH epochs.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, MONTH);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1 + kOneMonth, MONTH);
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// Different epochs types should yield different ciphertexts and points.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, WEEK);
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// Different epochs types should yield different ciphertexts and points.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, MONTH);
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// Different epochs types should yield different ciphertexts and points.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, WEEK);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, MONTH);
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// Different tokens should yield the same ciphertexts but different points.
// This represents different clients doing the same threshold encryption.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken2, day_index1, DAY);
EXPECT_EQ(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// Different metric parts should yield different ciphertexts and points.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part2", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// Different customer_ids should yield different ciphertexts and points.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 2, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// Different project_ids should yield different ciphertexts and points.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 2, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// Different metric_ids should yield different ciphertexts and points.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 2, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// Different thresholds should yield different ciphertexts and points.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold + 1, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// Different plaintexts should yield different ciphertexts and points.
obs1 = Encrypt("Message 1", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
obs2 = Encrypt("Message 2", kThreshold, 1, 1, 1, "part1", kToken1, day_index1, DAY);
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_x(), obs2.point_x());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.point_y(), obs2.point_y());
// We sanity test the function EncryptValue().
// See for tests that involve decryption.
TEST(ForculusEncrypterTest, EncryptValue) {
static const uint32_t kThreshold = 20;
// Construct an Encrypter.
ForculusConfig config;
config.threshold = kThreshold;
ForculusEncrypter encrypter(config, 1, 1, 1, "", ClientSecret::GenerateNewSecret());
// Construct three values.
ValuePart value1, value2, value3;
value1.set_int_value(42); // NOLINT readability-magic-numbers
// Invoke EncryptValue() three times.
ForculusObservation obs1, obs2, obs3;
EXPECT_EQ(ForculusEncrypter::kOK, encrypter.EncryptValue(value1, kDayIndex, &obs1));
EXPECT_EQ(ForculusEncrypter::kOK, encrypter.EncryptValue(value2, kDayIndex, &obs2));
EXPECT_EQ(ForculusEncrypter::kOK, encrypter.EncryptValue(value3, kDayIndex, &obs3));
// Check that the three observations have different ciphertexts.
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs2.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs1.ciphertext(), obs3.ciphertext());
EXPECT_NE(obs2.ciphertext(), obs3.ciphertext());
} // namespace cobalt::forculus