blob: 5c27eabfd55cd1ebb1a58bd8a91228ff7f676308 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstring>
#include <cwchar>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/lib/crypto_util/cipher.h"
#include "src/lib/crypto_util/types.h"
namespace cobalt::forculus {
using crypto::byte;
// A FieldElement is an element of the Forculus Field, the field over which
// Forculs encryption takes place.
class FieldElement {
// The number of bytes of data used to represent a FieldElement. The size
// of the Forculus Field is 2^{8 * kDataSize}.
static const size_t kDataSize = 256 / 8;
// Constructs a FieldElement by moving kDataSize bytes out of |bytes|.
// If the length of |bytes| is greater than kDataSize than the extra bytes
// will be discarded from the end. If the length of |bytes| is less than
// kDataSize then zero bytes will be appendeed to the end.
explicit FieldElement(std::vector<byte>&& bytes);
// Constructs a FieldElement by copying kDataSize bytes out of the string
// |data|. If the size of |data| is greater than kDataSize than the extra
// bytes will be discarded from the end. If the size of |data| is less than
// kDataSize then zero bytes will be appendeed to the end.
explicit FieldElement(const std::string& data);
// Constructs the FieldElement zero or one depending on the value of |one|.
explicit FieldElement(bool one);
// Move constructor.
FieldElement(FieldElement&& other) = default;
// Copy constructor.
FieldElement(const FieldElement& other) = default;
// Copy assignment operator
FieldElement& operator=(const FieldElement& other) = default;
// Move assignment operator
FieldElement& operator=(FieldElement&& other) = default;
bool operator==(const FieldElement& other) const { return bytes_ == other.bytes_; }
bool operator!=(const FieldElement& other) const { return bytes_ != other.bytes_; }
// FieldElements are ordered lexicographically by their byte representation.
// There is nothing mathematically natural about this ordering but having
// some ordering is necessary in order to use FieldElements as the keys
// of a map.
bool operator<(const FieldElement& other) const { return bytes_ < other.bytes_; }
// Convenience function that copies the underlying bytes of this element
// into *target_string.
void CopyBytesToString(std::string* target_string) const {
target_string->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, bytes_.size());
// Returns a pointer to a buffer of bytes of length
// crypto::SymmetricCipher::KEY_SIZE that may be used as the key to a
// symmetric cipher. The returned bytes are based on the underlying byte
// representation of the FieldElement. Each FieldElement yields a different
// key.
[[nodiscard]] const byte* KeyBytes() const;
// Arithmetic operations below
// Returns the sum of this element plus the |other| element.
FieldElement operator+(const FieldElement& other) const;
// Sets this element to the sum of this element and the |other| element.
void operator+=(const FieldElement& other);
// Returns the difference of this element minus the |other| element.
FieldElement operator-(const FieldElement& other) const;
// Sets this element to the difference of this element minus the |other|.
void operator-=(const FieldElement& other);
// Returns the product of this element times the |other| element.
FieldElement operator*(const FieldElement& other) const;
// Sets this element to the product of this element and the |other| element.
void operator*=(const FieldElement& other);
// Returns the quotient of this element divided by the |other| element.
// The behavior is undefined if |other| is the zero element.
FieldElement operator/(const FieldElement& other) const;
// Sets this element to the quotent of this element divided by the |other|.
// The behavior is undefined if |other| is the zero element.
void operator/=(const FieldElement& other);
std::vector<byte> bytes_;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const FieldElement& el);
} // namespace cobalt::forculus