blob: bc805ca031e9187b50d959bb5ccd854e8e136b9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/algorithms/forculus/field_element.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "src/lib/crypto_util/types.h"
namespace cobalt::forculus {
/****************************** WARNING *************************************
* This is a temporary, insecure implementation of FieldElement. It uses a
* prime field of size less than 2^32. This is far to small to be
* cryptographically secure. Do not release Cobalt with this implementation.
* We are using this implementation temporarily as we develop the
* ForculusEncrypter and ForculusDecrypter. Our intention is to replace
* this with the field GF(2^128).
* In this temporary implementation we assume that the hardware architecture
* is little-endian.
// This is the largest prime number less than 2^32. It is 2^32 - 267.
// It is defined as 64 bits so we do 64-bit arithmetic with it by default.
static const uint64_t kLargestPrime = 4294967029;
namespace {
// Returns the uint32_t described by the first 32 bits of |bytes|
// in hardware byte order.
uint32_t AsInt32(const std::vector<byte>& bytes) {
uint32_t x;
std::memcpy(&x,, sizeof(uint32_t));
return x;
// Populates result with all zeroes except for the first 32 bits which
// are taken from the uint64_t |x|, in hardware byte order.
void FromUInt64(const uint64_t& x, std::vector<byte>* result) {
result->resize(FieldElement::kDataSize, 0);
std::memcpy(result->data(), &x, sizeof(uint32_t));
// Returns the inverse of b mod kLargestPrime.
// In more detail, returns the integer t such that 1 <= t <= kLargestPrime
// and such that b * t mod kLargestPrime = 1.
uint32_t Inverse(uint32_t b) {
// Becuase GCD(b, kLargestPrime) = 1 there exists integers
// s and t such that kLargestPrime * s + b * t = 1.
// The least positive such t is the inverse we are looking for.
// To find t we perform the extended Euclidean algorithm. See
// r_{k-2} = q_k * r_{k-1} + r_k
// with r_{-2} = kLargestPrime, k_{-1} = b
// t_k = t_{k-2} - q_k * t_{k-1}
// with t_{-2} = 0, t_{-1} = 1
// Stop when r_k = 0 and return t_{k-1}.
// Initialize r_{k-2} = r_{-2} = kLargestPrime.
uint64_t r_k2 = kLargestPrime;
// Initialize r_{k-1} = r_{-1} = b
uint64_t r_k1 = b;
// Initialze t_{k-2} = t_{-2} = 0
uint64_t t_k2 = 0;
// Initialze t_{k-1} = t_{-1} = 1
uint64_t t_k1 = 1;
while (r_k1 != 0) {
uint64_t q_k = r_k2 / r_k1;
uint64_t r_k = r_k2 % r_k1;
uint64_t t_k = ((t_k2 + kLargestPrime) - (q_k * t_k1) % kLargestPrime) % kLargestPrime;
r_k2 = r_k1;
r_k1 = r_k;
t_k2 = t_k1;
t_k1 = t_k;
// ASSERT: rk_1=0, r_k2=1=GCD(b, kLargestPrime)
// kLargestPrime*s + b*t_k2 = 1, for some s we are not keeping track of.
return t_k2;
} // namespace
const size_t FieldElement::kDataSize;
FieldElement::FieldElement(std::vector<byte>&& bytes) : bytes_(std::move(bytes)) {
// NOTE: In our temporary, insecure implementation we discard all but the
// first 32 bits of the input.
bytes_.resize(kDataSize, 0);
FieldElement::FieldElement(const std::string& data) : bytes_(kDataSize, 0) {
// NOTE: In our temporary, insecure implementation we discard all but the
// first 32 bits of the input.
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(uint32_t) && i < data.size(); i++) {
bytes_[i] = static_cast<byte>(data[i]);
FieldElement::FieldElement(bool one) : bytes_(kDataSize, 0) {
if (one) {
// NOTE: In our temporary, insecure implementation we use the first
// 32 bits of |bytes_| to represent a non-negative integer in
// hardware architecture byte order which we are here assuming is
// little-endian.
bytes_[0] = 1;
FieldElement FieldElement::operator+(const FieldElement& other) const {
// NOTE: In our temporary, insecure implementation we use the first
// 32 bits of |bytes_| to represent a non-negative integer in
// hardware architecture byte order.
uint64_t this_number = AsInt32(bytes_);
uint64_t other_number = AsInt32(other.bytes_);
uint64_t sum = (this_number + other_number) % kLargestPrime;
std::vector<byte> result;
FromUInt64(sum, &result);
return FieldElement(std::move(result));
void FieldElement::operator+=(const FieldElement& other) {
uint64_t sum =
(static_cast<uint64_t>(AsInt32(bytes_)) + static_cast<uint64_t>(AsInt32(other.bytes_))) %
FromUInt64(sum, &bytes_);
FieldElement FieldElement::operator-(const FieldElement& other) const {
uint64_t this_number = AsInt32(bytes_) + kLargestPrime;
uint64_t other_number = AsInt32(other.bytes_);
uint64_t difference = (this_number - other_number) % kLargestPrime;
std::vector<byte> result;
FromUInt64(difference, &result);
return FieldElement(std::move(result));
void FieldElement::operator-=(const FieldElement& other) {
uint64_t this_number = AsInt32(bytes_) + kLargestPrime;
uint64_t other_number = AsInt32(other.bytes_);
uint64_t difference = (this_number - other_number) % kLargestPrime;
std::vector<byte> result;
FromUInt64(difference, &bytes_);
FieldElement FieldElement::operator*(const FieldElement& other) const {
uint64_t this_number = AsInt32(bytes_);
uint64_t other_number = AsInt32(other.bytes_);
uint64_t product = (this_number * other_number) % kLargestPrime;
std::vector<byte> result;
FromUInt64(product, &result);
return FieldElement(std::move(result));
void FieldElement::operator*=(const FieldElement& other) {
uint64_t this_number = AsInt32(bytes_);
uint64_t other_number = AsInt32(other.bytes_);
uint64_t product = (this_number * other_number) % kLargestPrime;
std::vector<byte> result;
FromUInt64(product, &bytes_);
FieldElement FieldElement::operator/(const FieldElement& other) const {
uint64_t this_number = AsInt32(bytes_);
uint64_t other_inverse = Inverse(AsInt32(other.bytes_));
uint64_t quotient = (this_number * other_inverse) % kLargestPrime;
std::vector<byte> result;
FromUInt64(quotient, &result);
return FieldElement(std::move(result));
void FieldElement::operator/=(const FieldElement& other) {
uint64_t this_number = AsInt32(bytes_);
uint64_t other_inverse = Inverse(AsInt32(other.bytes_));
uint64_t quotient = (this_number * other_inverse) % kLargestPrime;
std::vector<byte> result;
FromUInt64(quotient, &bytes_);
const byte* FieldElement::KeyBytes() const { return; }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const FieldElement& el) {
const byte* data = el.KeyBytes();
for (size_t i = 0; i < FieldElement::kDataSize; i++) {
os << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << static_cast<uint32_t>(*data) << " ";
return os;
} // namespace cobalt::forculus