Update godepfile hashes to rev built from 4443e6a06bde

This updates to godepfile binaries including the depfile path fix in
infra@4443e6a06bde3557ba79fb6125d13575c0faeb10. The binaries were
built on a linux box using the buildtools/go toolchain.

Change-Id: I9bf58d74da4bf2611ee4c4d27bf59fe608600706
2 files changed
tree: 487b2668609f985e5c3acc6fd2d03469da365d39
  1. linux64/
  2. mac/
  3. .gitignore
  5. exec_tool.sh
  6. gn
  7. go
  8. godepfile
  10. ninja
  11. README.md
  12. update.sh

Fuchsia Build Tools

This repository contains the hashes of a number of prebuilt tools that are used to build Fuchsia-related projects. The actual tools themselves are located in Google Storage.

In most cases, the jiri tool will download the build tools automatically during its update step. To download the tools manually, run update.sh.