[gn] Populate $root_build_dir/.build-id/ hierarchy

C/C++ builds in GN doing stripping now use llvm-objcopy's new features
to populate the .build-id/ hierarchy with links to the stripped file
and the debug (i.e. unstripped) file.  Rust and Go links still need to
be taught to do the same.

To get all of the Zircon binaries into the GN-produced .build-id/
hierarchy, we use //scripts/build_id_conv.py to populate it based on
Zircon's ids.txt files.

Bug: TC-303 #comment Fuchsia GN populates .build-id for C/C++ binaries and Zircon
Test: CQ & manual inspection of .build-id/ contents
Change-Id: I433e299969dd776d5f0c4be5390350572a966be5
2 files changed