
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Support for ACTS JSON configs; instead, use Mobly YAML configs. To ease this transition, upon running, a compatible YAML config will be generated for you and placed next to your now-deprecated JSON config.
  • The binary; instead, invoke tests directly. Upon running, a deprecation warning will provide instructions for how to invoke antlion tests without and with the newly generated YAML config.


  • Mobly support. All tests have been refactored to allow direct running with the Mobly test runner. If using, ACTS JSON config will be converted to compatible Mobly YAML config then passed directly to Mobly‘s config parser. See notes for this release’s deprecations above.
  • EditorConfig file for consistent coding styles. Installing an EditorConfig plugin for your editor is highly recommended.


  • Generate YAML config instead of JSON config from antlion-runner.
  • FuchsiaDevice.authorized_file_loc config field is now optional. This field is only used during FlashTest; it is not used when the device is already provisioned (e.g. when tests are dispatched in Fuchsia infrastructure).



  • Failure to stop session_manager using ffx in WlanRebootTest (@patricklu, bug)
  • Failure to parse ‘test_name’ in DHCP configuration file in Dhcpv4InteropTest (invalid option) introduced by previous refactor (@patricklu, bug)
  • Logging for Dhcpv4InteropTest changed to utilize a temp file instead of /var/log/messages to fix test error with duplicate PID log messages (@patricklu, bug)

0.2.0 - 2023-01-03


  • Added snapshots before reboot and during test teardown in WlanRebootTest (@patricklu, bug)
  • Download radvd logs from AP for debugging IPv6 address allocation
  • Optional wlan_features config field to FuchsiaDevice for declaring which WLAN features the device supports, such as BSS Transition Management


  • All path config options in FuchsiaDevice expand the home directory (~) and environmental variables
    • Used by ssh_priv_key, authorized_file_loc, and ffx_binary_path for sensible defaults using $FUCHSIA_DIR
  • Running tests works out of the box without specifying --testpaths
    • Moved tests and unit_tests to the antlion package, enabling straight-forward packaging of tests.
    • Merged antlion and antlion_contrib packages
  • Converted several required dependencies to optional dependencies:
    • bokeh is only needed for producing HTML graphing. If this feature is desired, install antlion with the bokeh option: pip install ".[bokeh]"
    • usbinfo and psutil are not needed when a static IP address is assigned to the Fuchsia DUT. If assigning a static IP address is not an optional, install antlion with the mdns option: pip install ".[mdns]"


  • [BREAKING CHANGE] Dependencies for Python versions older than 3.8. Please upgrade your system to a newer version of Python to run antlion tests.
  • ssh_config from FuchsiaDevice config. SSH configs are generated to provide a reproducible connection method and ease initial setup.


  • Failure to acquire IPv6 address in WlanRebootTest (bug)
  • Typo in ChannelSweepTest preventing use of iPerf (@patricklu)
  • “Country code never updated” error affecting all Fuchsia ToT builds (@karlward, bug)
  • Parsing new stderr format from ffx component destroy (@karlward, bug)
  • “Socket operation on non-socket” error during initialization of ffx on MacOS (@karlward, bug)
  • Python 3.8 support for IPv6 scope IDs (bug)

0.1.0 - 2022-11-28

Forked from ACTS with the following changes


  • A modern approach to installation using pyproject.toml via pip install .


  • Directory structure to the src-layout
  • Package and import names from ACTS to antlion
  • Copyright notice from AOSP to Fuchsia Authors


  • Use of the script. This is only used to keep infrastructure compatibility with ACTS. Once antlion is moved to Fuchsia infrastructure, this script will be removed.


  • Dependency on protobuf and grpc Python packages. Removes the metric logger, which was unused by Fuchsia WLAN tests.
  • Unused Android-specific build files, tests, and utilities for features Fuchsia doesn't support, such as telephony and automotive


  • KeyError for ‘mac_addr’ in WlanDeprecatedConfigurationTest (@sakuma, bug)