Vulkan CTS

 * Replace OpKill with OpTerminateInvocation in graphicsfuzz tests
 * Don't use LOAD_OP_CLEAR for FSR attachments
 * Fix dEQP-VK.shader_object.misc.state.pipeline.*.color_blend.enabled
 * Check for required feature in DRLR interaction with EDS3
 * Fix dstStageMask in basic event test
 * Add check for import & export bits for vk drm format modifier tests
 * Fix comparing memory of r10x6 images in host image copy tests
 * Fix subpass viewMask in mesh shader query tests
 * Remove some unneeded subgroup operations
 * Enable VK_KHR_external_memory_win32 when available in signal order tests
 * Add missing check for shaderStorageImageMultisample in sync tests
 * Remove tests checking geometry shader stats without geometry shaders
 * ESO pipeline state tests fixes
 * Fix two DRLR related issues in formats tests
 * Initialize m_useMaintenance5 variable in ray tracing util
 * Wait for fence before getting query results, so query is guaranteed to be reset
 * Add uniform storage check for VK_KHR_shader_expect_assume int8 tests
 * Add missing VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfo in offscreen_viewport tests
 * Add polygonModePointSize check for VK_KHR_maintenance5 polygon tests
 * Add fallback verification method for AV1 filmgrain
 * Fixed UploadDownloadExecutor to use correct device interface
 * Fix creating device in synchronization multi queue tests
 * Fix creating custom device in shader object binary tests
 * Allow Vulkan CTS
 * Fix float_controls2 tests assuming RTE rounding

 * Apply Arm waiver 4936
Fix float_controls2 tests assuming RTE rounding

The FMA tests check that 0.1 * 10.0 - 1.0 == 0.0 which fails on RTZ as
a result of a rounding error.
Change the tests to check 0.1 * 23.0 - 2.3 == 0.0 to allow them to
work on both RTE and RTZ.

Some tests add or multiply two large inputs and expect the result to
overflow to infinity.
This works as expected for RTE but will produce the max finite value
for RTZ.
Change the tests to require the shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat{16,32,64}
property and use RoundingModeRTE in the shader.

Affects: dEQP-VK.spirv_assembly.instruction.*.float_controls2.*.input_args.*
Components: Vulkan
VK-GL-CTS issue: 4962

Change-Id: I34492b26aff70409d78d51976353072c4a8a8c08
3 files changed
tree: 212a53fec59c36b33ea715bdf1fd833ee6de6713
  1. .github/
  2. android/
  3. data/
  4. doc/
  5. execserver/
  6. executor/
  7. external/
  8. framework/
  9. modules/
  10. scripts/
  11. targets/
  12. .editorconfig
  13. .gitattributes
  14. .gitignore
  15. AndroidGen.bp
  16. CMakeLists.txt
  22. NOTICE
  23. OWNERS


This repository contains Khronos Conformance Testing Suite called VK-GL-CTS which originated from dEQP (drawElements Quality Program). VK-GL-CTS contains tests for several graphics APIs, including OpenGL, OpenGL ES, EGL, Vulkan, and Vulkan SC.


Up-to-date documentation for VK-GL-CTS is available at:

The .qpa logs generated by the conformance tests may contain embedded PNG images of the results. These can be viewed with scripts/qpa_image_viewer.html, by opening the file with a web browser and following its instructions, or using the Cherry tool.

Khronos Vulkan Conformance Tests

This repository includes Khronos Vulkan CTS under external/vulkancts directory. For more information see Vulkan CTS README.

Khronos OpenGL / OpenGL ES Conformance Tests

This repository includes Khronos OpenGL / OpenGL ES CTS under external/openglcts directory. For more information see OpenGL / OpenGL ES CTS README.

Selecting a subset of targets to build by default

When configuring the source code of VK-GL-CTS for running either Vulkan Conformance Tests or OpenGL(ES) Conformance Tests as described above, CMake will generate build files that, by default on desktop platforms, will build every possible project binary. This may be undesirable due the amount of time and disk space needed to perform the build.

One way of selecting only a subset of the targets to be built is using CMake's target selection mechanism. For example, the following command will only build deqp-vk, the main Vulkan Conformance Tests binary:

cmake --build BUILD_DIRECTORY --target deqp-vk

When building only a subset of targets is the preferred default behavior for a given working copy or build directory, there's a second target selection mechanism that can be used to avoid passing the --target option every time: the SELECTED_BUILD_TARGETS CMake option. If set to a non-empty value, only the targets listed in that configuration option, separated by spaces, will be built.

For example, passing -DSELECTED_BUILD_TARGETS="deqp-vk deqp-vksc" when configuring the project will make cmake --build BUILD_DIRECTORY act as if it had been passed --target deqp-vk --target deqp-vksc as additional arguments.

IMPORTANT: Target subset selection may not have been thoroughly tested in all enviroments and situations, and it does not replace the instructions given for the purposes of creating a conformance submission.

ANGLE for Android

ANGLE can be built for Android by following the instructions here.

The resulting ANGLE shared object libraries can be linked against and embedded into dEQP.apk with the --angle-path option. This will cause dEQP.apk to use the ANGLE libraries for OpenGL ES calls, rather than the native drivers.

An ABI must be specified and the directory structure containing the ANGLE shared objects must match it so the build system can find the correct *.so files.

Assuming ANGLE shared objects are generated into ~/chromium/src/out/Release/ and dEQP.apk will be generated with --abis arm64-v8a, issue the following commands:

cd ~/chromium/src/out/Release/
mkdir arm64-v8a && cd arm64-v8a
cp ../lib* .

The --angle-path ~/chromium/src/out/Release/ option can then be used to link against and embed the ANGLE shared object files. The full command would be:

python scripts/android/ --sdk <path to Android SDK> --ndk <path to Android NDK> --abis arm64-v8a --angle-path ~/chromium/src/out/Release/