M53; Update IANA timezone db to 2016f from 2016d

The only change affecting the current and future time stamp
is that Asia/Novosibirsk swiches from +06 to +07. The Egyptian
change in 2016f cancelled out the Egyptian change in 2016e.


All the pre-built data files are updated except for icudt.dll
for Windows (non-default build configuration. The default build
configuration on Windows is covered by this CL).

Cherry-pick these two CLs and add the assembly source files (for
non-default build configurations) for Linux/Mac/Android.

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/2222353003 .
Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/2183313002 .

TEST=Try the following in d8 or Chrome's JS console:
> (new Date("07/23/2016 12:00Z")).toLocaleString("en", {timeZone:
7/23/2016, 6:00:00 PM
> (new Date("07/24/2016 12:00Z")).toLocaleString("en", {timeZone:
7/24/2016, 7:00:00 PM

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/2225033005 .
11 files changed