go-tuf maintainer guidelines

These are expectations for the MAINTAINERS of go-tuf; if you are not able to meet these requirements, please remove yourself from the list of maintainers.


Speedy communication makes contributors happy!

  • You should get notifications for all activity in this repository (using the “Watch” feature) and quickly triage each issue/PR as it comes in.
    • (non-draft) PRs should have assigned reviewers.
    • Important bugs and questions should have assignees.
  • If you are assigned to review a PR, please try to acknowledge it within one business day (no need if you are OOO).
  • Please review all PRs within five business days (of course, it‘s okay if you’re OOO).
  • Please use the review checklist below.
  • We should make sure there's an assigned reviewer for every PR which has passing tests.


  • go-tuf releases follow SemVer with the following modification:
    • While go-tuf is pre-1.0, increment the minor version for any breaking changes (in SemVer, there are no guarantees about API stability before 1.0).
  • Releases should be tagged in this repository as usual in Go (e.g. v0.3.1; see Publishing a module).
    • All maintainers should have permissions to push an appropriately-named tag, which will trigger the full release process.
    • A patch release can happen at any point, but give the other maintainers 1 day's notice via Slack or GitHub first.
    • For a minor release, see the “Project management” tag below.
    • We may revisit this policy post-1.0.

Project management:

  • Try to keep issues up-to-date with status updates!
    • Feel free to ping open issues to check on them.
    • Use the “assignee” field to indicate when you are working on an issue.
    • Use GitHub issue labels to describe the issue (exact labels are still changing, so just look through and add those that seem like a good fit).
  • Before publishing a new minor release, there should be an associated GitHub project to track issues.
  • We will develop more process around project management after we get through the v0.4.0 release.

Review checklist

Code review:

  • [ ] Tests pass (enforced by CI).
  • [ ] There should be tests for any new functionality, and regression tests for any bugs.
  • [ ] Any user-facing functionality changes/additions (public APIs, command-line interface) should be documented.
  • [ ] Changes should be compliant with the TUF specification.

Pre-merge (check everything again before hitting the merge button!):

  • [ ] Approvals from two different organizations.
    • This is not currently enforced by CI, though PRs must have at least 2 approvals.
    • This may be waived for PRs which only update docs or comments, or trivial changes to tests.
  • Make sure that the PR title, commit message, and description are updated if the PR changes significantly during review.

New version of the TUF specification:

  • There‘s an automated workflow which monitors and opens an issue in case there’s newer version of the TUF specification
  • Closing the issue should happen after completing the following steps:
    • Review the changes to the specification and make sure they're addressed (possibly requires breaking out a few relevant issues).
    • Bump the tuf-version in the .github/workflows/specification-version-check.yml workflow.