Add runtimes/go_test

This is lighter than the fuchsia manifest, and it only includes what's
necessary to build with "--modules go_stdlib_tests,boot_test_runner".
However, it is brittle, due to the possibility of new transitive GN
dependencies being introduced. When that happens, the build will fail
with a message about missing files.

The dependencies on Dart and Rust are because Test Runner includes a
FIDL service, which gets compiled for all languages.

Change-Id: Id868435f19567540ef7e5cd3666fba174e88dccc
1 file changed
tree: a3b54f445290832db5aef2205681780a88245427
  1. git-hooks/
  2. runtimes/
  3. amber
  4. build
  5. buildtools
  6. cobalt
  7. drivers
  8. fuchsia
  9. gdb
  10. infra
  11. jiri
  12. ledger
  13. magenta
  14. magentix
  15. minimal
  17. pm
  19. qemu
  21. sdk
  22. sdk_extra
  23. thinfs
  24. toolchain
  25. userspace
  26. web_view

Fuchsia Manifest

Contains the jiri manifests for Fuchsia. (Looking for Fuchsia getting started docs you swear used to be here? Some things moved to the fuchsia repository.)

To test local manifest changes see Jiri local update